7th Meeting of LASA Large Animal Research Network (LARN) (Non-Members)


Please select the days you would like to attend




Tuesday 5th April, 13:00 – 15:50
Wednesday 6th April, 13:00 – 15:15

The LASA Large Animal Research Network (LARN) invites you to their 7th annual meeting. The programme contains a varied range of speakers bringing their own expertise from their places of work and details of their research projects to these online workshops. In addition to hearing more about their scientific projects there will be time to pose your own Q&A to the expert panels of speakers.



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a prerequisite for many professional medical and scientific disciplines but less common for those involved in laboratory animal work.

Revision of Directive 86/609EEC requires that persons “are adequately educated, competent and continuously trained” (Article 23A). The scheme is available FREE to LASA members. Please contact the Secretariat for more information.