The Home Office Liaison Forum (HOLF) was formed in 2009 and held its inaugural meeting in 2010. Following the amendments to the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (ASPA) in 2013 and the introduction of roles of Named Training and Competency Officer (NTCO) and Named Information Officer (NIO), the Forum was renamed the Home Office Liaison, Training and Information Forum (HOLTIF).  In bringing people in the new “named” roles together with the existing Home Office Liaison Contact (HOLC) members the Forum seeks to maintain good communication within and between these roles. Membership of this Forum consists of HOLCs and others involved in liaison with the Home Office along with, NTCOs and NIOs.  The Forum will: provide an expert network for discussion; organise seminars & workshops; hold an annual Forum on ASPA related issues and promote a high level of communication with the Animals in Science Research Unit staff and Inspectorate. The HOLTIF will work with other LASA Sections on topics that are mutually relevant to the members. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


The 3Rs Section shares knowledge on and promotes all aspects of this extensive subject; it provides a forum within which members can discuss strategies and techniques, available or proposed, for the replacement reduction and refinement of animal use in scientific studies. It provides a mechanism for members to share ideas and practices and to promote the uptake of the 3Rs within LASA and beyond. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


The Animal Science Section provides an excellent vehicle for exchange of information between individuals in different establishments in areas of mutual interest. Strain and species variation and technologies used in toxicology are typical subjects, but the greater scope (encompassing the former Toxicology & Pathology and Transgenic Animals Sections) provides a wider focus for emerging areas of animal science. The Animal Science Section provides a forum to enable members to share information on revision to methodologies and practices, updated as existing techniques are changed in the light of experience and as new technologies are developed. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


LASA believes that education and training is a prerequisite for, and is pivotal to, the understanding and practice of the science and welfare of laboratory animals. The Education, Training and Ethics Section (ETES) arranges events throughout the year to support topics of interest throughout the discipline. This section organises meetings and workshops, often in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including the Home Office. Where appropriate ETES events can lead to the production and publication of “Guiding Principles” that offer advice on the current state of knowledge in relevant areas and are influential at the National, and sometimes European level. These publications are available on-line at https://www.lasa.co.uk/current_publications/

Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


The Establishment Licence (PEL) Holders’ Forum formed in 2001 operating through a small committee and is a loose affiliation of Establishment Licence holders, their deputies and others involved in the administration of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (ASPA). Its main activities are the organisation of an annual training event for new Establishment Licence Holders, a Home Office theme session at the LASA annual meeting in November and, more recently, CPD events such as the PEL Spring Forum. The PEL Forum will work with the other LASA Sections on topics mutually relevant to our membership and to promote better communication between Establishment Licence holders and the animal science community. The PEL Forum also liaises with the Home Office Inspectorate on strategic matters related to the ASPA, the role of the Establishment Licence Holder, their responsibilities and the associated issues of compliance. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


The Care and Welfare Section covers all aspects of the health and welfare of laboratory animals; infectious diseases and their control; health screening; animal nutrition; housing, maintenance and husbandry within scientific establishments; with overall interest in the well-being of the animals. There is a focus on the monitoring and provision of optimum care of animal models, to fulfil their needs whilst under scientific procedures, whilst ensuring humane-end points are refined as much as possible. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.


The Large Animal Research Network (LARN) provides support and information to those who use large animals in biomedical, veterinary and/or agricultural research. They organise an annual meeting and presentations have included research advancements, challenges and opportunities, 3Rs, animal behaviour, environmental enrichment and much more.  LARN is relevant to scientists, technicians, a wide range of support staff and interested groups, who are either actively involved in research using large animal species, who have an interest in the use of large animals in research or may in the future have a requirement to understand more about large animal models. It is by assembling a diverse range of interests, backgrounds and skills relating to large animals, that LARN is able to progress and further develop in the future. Contact info@lasa.co.uk  for more information on the LASA Sections.